
Archive for the ‘Garden’ Category

Pepper, Bell

June 2nd, 2009 No comments

Quadrato D’Asti Rosso
Expected germination: 10-12 days
Expected harvest: 95-110 days

9 seeds

06/02: Planted 1 per cell in 9 cells.
06/06: No visible change.
06/10: No visible change.
06/14: No visible change.
06/19: 8 of 9 (89%) have shoots 1/2″ to 1-1/2″ tall.
07/06: 8 of 9 (89%) have shoots 1-1/2″ to 3″ tall.
07/10: 8 of 9 (89%) have shoots 1-1/2″ to 3″ tall.
07/10: Planted out.
07/18: 2-1/2″ to 4-1/2″ tall.
07/24: 4″ to 6″ tall, with foliage diameter 4″ to 7″.
08/01: 6-1/2″ to 7-1/2″ tall, with foliage diameter 9″ to 11″.
08/07: 8″ to 11″ tall, with foliage diameter 12″ to 16″. A few leaves have become twisted/inverted.
08/15: 7″ to 12″ tall, with foliage diameter 13″ to 21″. Healthy looking.
08/23: 13″ to 19″ tall, with foliage diameter approx 16″. Buds just starting to form.
08/30: 13″ to 20″ tall, with foliage diameter 15″ to 18″. Buds not yet opened.
10/09: With nights getting colder we picked the largest pepper – about half the normal dimensions or about an eighth the normal volume.

Categories: 2009 - Annuals Tags:


June 2nd, 2009 No comments

Expected germination: 8-12 days
Expected harvest: 68 days

54 seeds

06/02: Planted 2 per cell in 27 cells.
06/06: Most have swelled and are now visible at or upon soil surface. 22 of 54 (41%) have shoots just starting.
06/10: 51 of 54 (94%) have shoots 0″ to 1-3/4″ tall.
06/14: Shoots are too dense to count and mostly 2-1/2″ to 3-1/2″ tall.
06/19: Shoots are too dense to count and mostly 3″ to 6″ tall.
06/23: Planted out.
07/18: Mass is up to 26″ tall with four vines taller at up to 37″. First flowers developing.
07/24: Mass varies from 27″ to 48″ tall. Many flowers and the first few pods are developing.
08/01: Mass varies from 40″ to 63″ tall. Many pods starting to fatten.
08/07: Mass varies from 37″ to 68″ tall. Many pods ready to pick and many still fattening.
08/07: We’ll count the harvest as starting today, although we actually left them on the vines until 08/09 so as to have enough for four people at Sunday lunch.
08/09: Light powdery mildew on leaves facing fence.
08/15: Mass varies from 46″ to 69″ tall. Harvest continues. Powdery mildew on all but newest leaves.
08/19: Heavy powdery mildew. Harvested two small servings.
08/23: Mass varies from 60″ to 70″ tall. Heavy powdery mildew below 52″. Several young pods.
08/29: Sprayed with baking soda (1/2pt at 1t/qt) against powdery mildew.
08/29: Harvested two small portions.
08/30: Mass varies from 36″ to 68″ tall. Lots of powdery mildew. A few young pods.
09/05: Mostly died back, severe powdery mildew, and only a few young pods. Pulled out.

Harvest: 66-88 days, perhaps 6ozs total. Very disappointing.

Categories: 2009 - Annuals Tags:


June 2nd, 2009 No comments

Harris Model
Expected germination: 15-25 days
Expected harvest: 130 days

54 seeds

06/02: Planted 2 per cell in 27 cells.
06/06: A couple have swelled and are now visible at soil surface.
06/10: Nothing visible, not even the two 06/06 seeds.
06/14: 26 of 54 (48%) have shoots 0″ to 1/2″ tall.
06/19: 44 of 54 (81%) have shoots 1/2″ to 1″ tall.
06/23: Planted out.
07/18: 7″ to 11″ tall. Unfortunately shaded by turnips.
07/24: Approx 14″ tall.
08/01: 11″ to 19″ tall. Storage roots approx 1″ long and 1/4″ to 3/8″ thick.
08/07: 13″ to 24″ tall. Crowded by turnips.
08/15: 18″ to 27″ tall.
08/23: 13″ to 28″ tall.
08/30: 20″ to 26″ tall. Storage roots approx 2-1/2″ long and 3/4″ thick.
09/22: Harvested about a dozen. Storage roots approx 3″ long and 3/4″ thick.

Categories: 2009 - Annuals Tags:

Mesclun, Ferry Morse

June 2nd, 2009 No comments

Ferry Morse / Gourmet Green Mixture
Arugula, endive, red kale, red and green romaine, Salad Bowl and Lolla Rossa lettuce.
Expected germination: 7-10 days
Expected harvest: 40-60 days

72 seeds

06/02: Planted 4 per cell in 18 cells.
06/06: 63 of 72 (88%) have shoots 0″ to 1/2″ tall.
06/10: 66 of 72 (92%) have shoots 0″ to 1-1/4″ tall.
06/14: 67 of 72 (93%) have shoots 1/4″ to 1-1/2″ tall.
06/19: Shoots are too dense to count and mostly 2″ to 4″ tall.
06/23: Planted out.
06/27: Started occasional leaf-snipping harvest.
07/18: 3″ to 7″ tall. Leaf harvest continuing.
07/24: 3″ to 6″ tall. Leaf harvest continuing.
08/01: 3″ to 7″ tall. Leaf harvest continuing.
08/07: 3″ to 8″ tall. Leaf harvest continuing.
08/15: 3″ to 5″ tall. Nearly exhausted. Weeds and clover present.
08/23: 3″ to 7″: tall. Getting old. Now mostly endive.
08/30: 2″ to 5″: tall. Getting old. Now mostly endive.

Categories: 2009 - Annuals Tags:

Lettuce, Romaine

June 2nd, 2009 No comments

Parris Island
Expected germination: 7-10 days
Expected harvest: 60-70 days

18 seeds

06/02: Planted 2 per cell in 9 cells.
06/06: 11 of 18 (61%) have shoots 0″ to 1/2″ tall.
06/10: 17 of 18 (94%) have shoots 1/4″ to 1/2″ tall.
06/14: 17 of 18 (94%) have shoots 1/2″ to 3/4″ tall.
06/19: 17 of 18 (94%) have shoots 1-1/2″ to 2-1/2″ tall.
06/23: Planted out.
07/07: Started ongoing outer leaf harvest.
07/18: 9″ to 10″ tall, with diameters 8″ to 10″. Leaf harvest continuing.
07/24: 10″ to 12″ tall, with diameters 6″ to 7″. Leaf harvest continuing.
08/01: 10″ to 13″ tall, with diameters 4″ to 8″. Leaf harvest continuing.
08/07: 7″ to 14″ tall, with diameters 3″ to 6″. Appears nearly exhausted.
08/15: 5″ to 9″ tall. Nearly exhausted.
08/23: Approx 7″ tall. Almost lost in weeds.
08/29: We needed the space so we took a small final harvest and dug them up.

Harvest: 35-88 days

Categories: 2009 - Annuals Tags:

Lettuce, Butter

June 2nd, 2009 No comments

Bibb / Limestone
Expected germination: 7-10 days
Expected harvest: 57 days

18 seeds

06/02: Planted 2 per cell in 9 cells.
06/06: 7 of 18 (39%) have shoots 0″ to 1/2″ tall.
06/10: 17 of 18 (94%) have shoots 0″ to 1/2″ tall.
06/14: 16 of 18 (89%) have shoots 1/4″ to 1/2″ tall.
06/19: 16 of 18 (89%) have shoots 1″ to 2″ tall.
06/23: Planted out.
07/07: Started ongoing outer leaf harvest.
07/18: 5″ to 8″ tall, with diameters 6″ to 8″. Leaf harvest continuing.
07/24: 6″ to 9″ tall, with diameters 6″ to 9″. Leaf harvest continuing.
07/28: Still edible but they’re bolting.
08/01: 7″ to 15″ tall, with diameters 4″ to 9″. Leaf harvest continuing.
08/04: Last leaf harvest. Dug up for compost.

Harvest: 35-63 days

Categories: 2009 - Annuals Tags:


June 2nd, 2009 No comments

Tall Utah, #5270R, Improved
Expected germination: 14-20 days
Expected harvest: 125 days

36 seeds

06/02: Planted 2 per cell in 18 cells.
06/06: No visible change.
06/10: No visible change.
06/14: No visible change.
06/19: 27 of 36 (75%) have shoots 1/4″ to 1/2″ tall.
07/06: 28 of 36 (78%) have shoots 1/2″ to 1-1/2″ tall.
07/10: 29 of 36 (81%) have shoots 1/2″ to 1-1/2″ tall.
07/10: Planted out.
07/18: 1-1/2″ to 2-1/2″ tall.
07/24: 1-1/2″ to 3″ tall.
07/30: Rather than thin I transplanted half the plants to form a second row.
08/01: 2-1/2″ to 4″ tall.
08/07: 3-1/2″ to 5″ tall.
08/15: 3″ to 8″ tall. Some crowded by winter squash.
08/23: 5″ to 12″ tall. Some crowded by winter squash.
08/30: 7″ to 16″ tall. No longer crowded. Those that had been shaded are tallest.
10/13: Used a black plastic garbage bag to blanch about 2/3rds for eating raw. Remainder designated for cooking.
10/13: Started occasional harvest of cooking celery. Stalks thin but juicy and tasty.

Categories: 2009 - Annuals Tags:


June 2nd, 2009 No comments

Early Snowball A
Expected germination: 8-10 days
Expected harvest: 55 days

9 seeds

06/02: Planted 1 per cell in 9 cells.
06/06: 8 of 9 (89%) have shoots just visible at surface.
06/10: 8 of 9 (89%) have shoots 3/4″ to 1″ tall.
06/14: 8 of 9 (89%) have shoots 1-1/4″ to 1-3/4″ tall and another 1 (11%) is struggling at 1/4″.
06/19: 8 of 9 (89%) have shoots 3″ to 4″ tall and another 1 (11%) is struggling at 1/2″.
06/21: Planted out.
07/01: Heat stressed – added shade.
07/05: Removed shade.
07/18: 10″ to 13″ tall.
07/19: Hosed off as a precaution against aphids which we had found on related plants nearby.
07/22: Sprayed with 0.001% spinosad, an organic pesticide.
07/24: 14″ to 18″ tall, with foliage diameter 14″ to 17″. Some aphids but much fewer than before.
07/28: Sprayed with 0.001% spinosad.
08/01: 17″ to 20″ tall, with foliage diameter 17″ to 19″.
08/02: Sprayed some leaves with 0.001% spinosad against aphids.
08/07: 15″ to 25″ tall, with foliage diameter 13″ to 20″.
08/15: 17″ to 27″ tall, with foliage diameter 16″ to 20″.
08/23: 21″ to 28″ tall, with foliage diameter 18″ to 22″.
08/30: 21″ to 29″ tall, with foliage diameter 14″ to 24″.
09/18: A few plants have 1/2″ to 3/4″ heads.

Categories: 2009 - Annuals Tags:


June 2nd, 2009 No comments

Long Imperator #58
Expected germination: 8-12 days
Expected harvest: 77 days

72 seeds (we’re planning on 72 more later)

06/02: Planted 2 per cell in 36 cells.
06/06: No visible change.
06/10: 10 of 72 (14%) have shoots 0″ to 1/2″ tall.
06/14: 62 of 72 (86%) have shoots 1/2″ to 1″ tall.
06/19: 63 of 72 (88%) have shoots 1/2″ to 1-1/2″ tall.
06/23: Planted out.
07/18: 9″ to 11″ tall. Taproots about 1″ long and 1/4″ thick. Unfortunately shaded by rutabagas.
07/24: Approx 12″ tall, with taproots 1″ to 2″ long and 1/4″ to 3/8″ thick.
07/28: Thinned out about two dozen baby carrots, for stir fry.
08/01: 12″ to 19″ tall.
08/07: 11″ to 20″ tall. Crowded by rutabaga.
08/15: Approx 16″ tall. Crowded by rutabaga. Sample was 5/8″ thick and 2″ long.
08/23: 12″ to 22″ tall. Crowded by rutabaga.
08/30: Harvested: 29 carrots averaging 2-1/2″ long and 3/4″ thick. Many twisted.

Harvest: 89 days

Categories: 2009 - Annuals Tags:


June 2nd, 2009 No comments

Sierra Gold
Expected germination: 7 days
Expected harvest: 90 days

9 seeds

06/02: Planted 1 per cell in 9 cells.
06/06: No visible change.
06/10: 6 of 9 (67%) have shoots 0″ to 1/4″ tall.
06/14: 7 of 9 (78%) have foliage 1-1/2″ to 2″ diameter and another 1 (11%) is just emerging.
06/14: 8 of 9 (89%) have foliage 2″ to 3″ diameter.
06/21: Planted out in hill with black plastic mulch.
07/18: 6″ to 8″ tall, with foliage diameters up to 14″.
07/24: 9″ to 11″ tall, with foliage diameter 16″ to 29″. Flowers developing.
08/01: 9″ to 11″ tall, with foliage diameters to 50″. Huge numbers of yellow flowers – perhaps a hundred. Vines now growing a couple of inches per day.
08/04: Startled animal must have run through patch, snapping off some leaves and a couple of feet of vine.
08/04: Pruned to fit in assigned area.
08/07: Patch is approx 10″ deep and 73″ by 45″. Still many yellow flowers. A few marble size gourds.
08/15: Patch is approx 13″ deep and 80″ by 42″. Still many yellow flowers. A few gourds 3/4″ to 1-1/2″.
08/23: Patch is approx 13″ deep and 86″ by 50″. Several yellow flowers. A few gourds to 4″.
08/29: Was over pumpkin and starting to encroach on sunflower #2. Moderate pruning.
08/30: Patch is approx 16″ deep and 92″ by 42″. A few flowers. A few gourds to 4″ long and 3″ diameter.
09/22: Removed two sunflowers and trimmed squash to provide better light to melons and pumpkins.
09/22: Moved plastic cover from (a few) tomato vines to (all) melon vines.
10/13: Dying back fast. Harvested final gourds and cleaned up.

Harvest: ???-133 days
Yield: 6-8 gourds about 1 lb each

Categories: 2009 - Annuals Tags: