Beans, Pole
Santa Anna
Expected germination: 6-8 days
Expected harvest: 65-70 days
36 seeds
06/02: Started soaking in a jar of water overnight.
06/03: After 15 hours soaking, planted 2 per cell in 18 cells.
06/06: A few have swelled and are now visible at soil surface.
06/10: 12 of 36 (33%) have shoots 0″ to 1-1/2″ tall.
06/14: 10 of 36 (28%) have shoots 1″ to 3″ tall and another 3 (8%) are still trying to launch their beans.
06/19: 10 of 36 (28%) have shoots 2″ to 4″ tall, 2 (6%) have launched beans but no leaves, and 1 (3%) is still trying to launch its bean.
06/23: Planted out.
07/05: Healthy but growing slowly.
07/18: Finally started moving this week. Leaf mass is up to 22″ and runners are up to 37″.
07/24: Leaf mass is up to 30″ with runners up to top 60″.
07/24: Henceforth “Beans, Pole #2″ plant is merged with these.
08/01: Three runners have topped the trellis. First white flowers appeared this week.
08/07: About half the runners have topped out. Many flowers in white/butter colored pairs. Many more buds. No beans yet.
08/15: Most of the runners have topped out. Many flowers – some white, some butter. Several 1-2″ matchstick beans.
08/20: Started harvest as one plant is ahead of the rest and needed picking. Got one portion.
08/23: Most or runners long topped out. Some flowers and a few young beans.
08/29: Harvested a couple of portions.
08/30: Well topped out. Many flowers and a few small beans.
09/06: Yielding nicely now – perhaps a couple of pounds per week.
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