Home > 2009 - Annuals > Sunflowers


Burpee’s cutting mix
Expected germination: 7-14 days

18 seeds

06/24: Planted 1 per cell in 18 cells.
07/10: 15 of 18 (83%) have shoots 1-1/2″ to 5″ tall.
07/10: Planted out.
07/18: 2″ to 8″ tall.
07/24: 5″ to 16″ tall, with foliage diameter 4″ to 14″.
07/26: Approx 5 plants pushed over and snapped off. No underground damage. We suspect a raccoon looking for seeds.
07/26: An additional 2 plants were bent over but are recovering.
08/01: 15″ to 32″ tall, with foliage diameter 10″ to 23″.
08/07: 22″ to 45″ tall, with foliage diameter 12″ to 32″.
08/15: 30″ to 62″ tall, with foliage diameter 14″ to 30″.
08/23: 56″ to 86″ tall, with foliage diameter approx 30″. 2 fully open.
08/24: Started cut flower harvest.
08/30: 54 to 88″ tall. Several very nice flowers open of at least five different kinds.
09/15: Removed several dead heads for seed.
09/22: Removed two sunflowers and trimmed squash to provide better light to melons and pumpkins.

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