
Archive for July 26th, 2009

Critter Damage

July 26th, 2009 No comments
Sunflowers pushed over by raccoon

Sunflowers pushed over by raccoon

July 25th we found several radishes dug up but mostly undamaged. We replanted them.

July 26th we found about seven sunflowers pushed over, of which only two survived. We believe a raccoon pushed them over looking for sunflower seeds. Our sunflowers were planted late and have not flowered yet.

Also July 26th we found two more radishes and a nicotiana dug up, and again replanted them

We therefore bought and installed a Scare Crow motion-sensor water spray.

Sunflower stems snapped just below surface

Sunflower stems snapped just below surface

Radishes dug up but otherwise unharmed

Radishes dug up but otherwise unharmed

Categories: 2009 - Journal Tags: